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NEIGHBORHOOD x BABYLON: When Fashion Meets the Art of Ric Clayton

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Exclusive Second Collaboration Release

The much-anticipated second collaboration between NEIGHBORHOOD and BABYLON is here! This exceptional collection merges the art of legendary artist Ric Clayton, known for his work with Suicidal Tendencies and other bands. The collection will be launched on July 13th.

Lookbook-NEIGHBORHOOD-×-BABYLON-Summer-2024-addstylers-com (3)

Unique Fashion Pieces

The collection features 10 unique pieces, including broadcloth cotton shirts, Hawaiian skull shirts, and vintage-effect t-shirts. Each of these products will be available at NEIGHBORHOOD stores, online, and select distributors.

Exclusive Event in Los Angeles

A day before the launch, on July 12th, an exclusive event will take place in Los Angeles at the HVW8 Gallery. This event will showcase Clayton's artwork and feature a live concert.

Experience the Fusion of Fashion and Art

This is a perfect opportunity to see the collection firsthand and immerse yourself in the world of fashion and art. Don’t miss out on this unique event that celebrates the blend of creative expressions.

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Written by addstylers

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